LocAware // Konum Bilinci
Location awareness is inspired by the opportunities information technologies offers to experience and access place based content in cities. It enhances our cities' precious yet precarious networks of place. Geographic positioning systems are allowing unprecedented access to location based information, but ambient displays are just beginning to be understood in the information and place networks of a city. The LocAware exhibition is a compilation of discrete installations that explore this proposition about the formation of cities: The Materials, The Electronics, The Script, The Visualization, and The Form. Each installation is placed in dialogue with the others and questions the ways in which information technologies are provoking new futures, design participations, and imaginary utopias. The narration of the installations can be read as a design process in itself. This design process is the generator of the fifth installation, The Form. The Form installation is created from the data sampled during the first 2 weeks of the exhibition; they are 3D ‘print-outs’ of sound, color, and motion onto wood, steel and stone respectively.
Garanti Galeri, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.