The ephemeral library is conceived as an in-situ space constantly co-created and re-created to provide quiet areas for reflection and common areas to facilitate collaboration and group study. It is an organized collection of physical and digital information and material resources available to the visitors for reference and inquiry. As libraries range in size from a few books to several millions, the physical design of the library expresses the experience of libraries as generative systems of content for self-organized learning. The generative three-dimensional geometry is designed to interact with the visitor and encourage them to continually recreate the space with the materials and their imaginations. As with a collection of books, a collection of objects has both finite and infinite potential of conceiving new possibilities in thought through its individual integrity and cooperative interactions. Visitors are also encouraged to study the resources collected specifically for the Ephemeral Library for the VCMD Education Exhibition.

VÇMD: VitrA Contemporary Architecture Series organized by VitrA and the Turkish Association of Architects in Private Practice please have a look at: VitrACagdasMimarlikDizisi.com
Buradaydınız, by Sinem Serap Duran
Making of the VCMD Dreams to Realities Exhibition click here for video link